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10 Financial Stewardship Books for Your Congregation

Writer's picture: ArtArt

“We have a ton of debt, very little in our savings account, and just bought a brand-new car. What should we do?”

Statistically speaking, many in your church are facing significant financial challenges. They have debt. They have more bills than money at the end of every month. Saving for retirement isn’t even a consideration. And in today’s current state of growing inflation, the problem is more exacerbated than before.

They need help.

As a pastor, you may not have all the answers for someone’s financial woes. The good news is you don’t have to know all the answers. Part of ministering well to a congregation is recommending resources that can help them where they are.

To help you minister to those who struggle managing the financial resources God has provided them, here are several financial stewardship books you may want to point church members toward:

1. Redeeming Money: How God Reveals and Reorients Our Hearts by Paul David Tripp

Money management reflects heart management. Redeeming Money considers the heart behind our financial motivations and decisions. The book considers how we place our hope in money for blessings it can never deliver—contentment, satisfaction, comfort, peace, and happiness. While Redeeming Money does not explain the difference between a Roth and Traditional IRA, the book does an excellent examination of the heart.

2. The Money Challenge: 30 Days of Discovering God’s Design for You and Your Money by Art Rainer

This book blends the biblical and practical into an easily accessible read for your members. It is a book specifically written for those who have never read a financial book in their lives. While The Money Challenge covers all the basic financial areas—debt elimination, saving, investing, budgeting—generosity remains the focal point and lens through which other topics are discussed. The Money Challenge also uniquely weaves a fictional story throughout the entire book. There is also a version for teens (The Money Challenge for Teens) and an additional book for married couples (The Marriage Challenge).

3. The Treasure Principle: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving by Randy Alcorn

The Treasure Principle is a classic book on generosity. The book’s small design makes it an easy read for anyone in your church. Within this small book are several powerful teachings on generosity. The Treasure Principle sets the reader’s sight on eternity and eternal treasures. The book has already impacted numerous lives around the world.

4. Gospel Patrons: People Whose Generosity Changed the World by John Rinehart

God uses generous men and women to impact lives for all eternity. Gospel Patrons tells three stories of the financiers behind incredibly powerful movements of God. Church members will finish the book inspired and understanding their potential role in God’s Kingdom.

5. Thriving in Love & Money: 5 Game-Changing Insights about Your Relationship, Your Money, and Yourself by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn

Many married couples within your church are fighting over money. Statistically, financial arguments are the norm. So, this book helps couples be abnormal. Thriving in Love & Money is based on a three-year study and teaches couples to better understand one another in finances. The book provides key insights for all married couples, regardless of income status or years married.

6. Money, Debt, and Finances: Critical Questions and Answers by Jim Newheiser

This book can be a great reference for ministers and members. Money, Debt, and Finances is set up in a question-and-answer format. The numerous, small chapters make finding specific questions and their answers easy. From budgeting to mortgages to retirement planning, the book’s aim is to help readers glorify God with their finances.

7. The Genius of Generosity: Generous Living is Joyful Living by Chip Ingram

You desire your church to be filled with generous disciples. The Genius of Generosity can be a good resource for that end. Like The Treasure Principle, this book is small but provides many powerful lessons on biblical generosity. The Genius of Generosity can easily be used as a gift for new members or first-time givers.

8. The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian Worldby Rosaria Butterfield

Admittedly, The Gospel Comes with a House Key is different from other books on this list. The focus of the book is hospitality. Leveraging financial resources for the Kingdom should impact those around us. The Gospel Comes with a House Key illustrates how one can use resources God provides to make your house a gospel outpost in your neighborhood. This resource will inspire members to leverage all God entrusts them with for the sake of the gospel.

9. Splitting Heirs: Giving Your Money and Things to Your Children Without Ruining Their Lives by Ron Blue and Jeremy White

One of the biggest stewardship decisions a person makes is the distribution of accumulated resources upon death. Where will your estate go? Who will you provide funds to? The default decision is evenly splitting resources among children. But does this allocation make sense for the Kingdom-advancing steward? Splitting Heirs guides church members through this sensitive and, often, emotional decision. For ministers who do not feel equipped to have legacy conversations with members, this book can be a good recommended starting point.

10. The Great Lemonade Stand Standoff by Art Rainer

Give. Save. Live. These are the basic financial steps found in Scripture. They are so simple, children can easily learn and apply them. For parents desiring to teach their young children about money, The Great Lemonade Stand Standoff is a fun, engaging book. The fictional story features three children and some stinky villains. By the end of the story, children are guaranteed to know the pattern—give, save, live.

Pastors are not expected to have answers to every financial stewardship question. But there is wisdom in having a few go-to resources on the subject. Let this list be a starting point as you guide church members on their journey to becoming generous disciples.

This article was originally posted on Check out their site more stewardship resources.


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