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5 for Friday (December 31, 2021)

How can you commune with Christ on a busy day? What should you read in 2022? And how can you get your finances in order for this coming year?

These questions and more are answered in this week's 5 for Friday.

1. 5 Ways to Commune with Christ on a Busy Day by David Mathis. We all have days where our morning routine is thrown off course. If your normal time of prayer and reading God’s word happens in the morning, what do you do when that routine is interrupted? Consider these 5 tips for working through God’s “inconveniences” to your schedule.

2. 2022 Christian Reading Challenge by Tim Challies. It is that time of year where we tend to think of what we want the next year to hold. For many, this means a goal to read more books. Tim Challies offers a nuanced plan using four categories: The Light Reader, Avid Reader, Committed Reader, and Obsessed Reader. Use this as a resource to read more this year.

3. Ask Chuck: My Adult Kids Constantly Need Money by Chuck Bentley. How should a parent handle adult children consistently asking for help with financial emergencies? Chuck Bentley offers wise and careful advice for such an emotionally charged and difficult situation. Set new boundaries and new expectations with wisdom and charity. And resolve to truth the Lord on your part and theirs.

4. How to Get Your Finances in Order for 2022 by Budget Mom. While you should be keeping up with your finances at least monthly, it is good to do a deeper dive at least once a year. Take time to review your aspirations from 2021 and make new short and long-term financial goals for 2022. Evaluate your fixed and variable expenses and focus on paying off debt and filling up your emergency fund.

5. The Gift Giver’s Joy by Ed Welch. Giver’s feel joy when they find the perfect gift to give. They anticipate the joy of the receiver. And when the gift is opened, there is only joy all around. Jesus gifted us the Spirit in this way, as the perfect gift with pure joy. In turn, the Spirit gives us true joy that will grow into eternity.


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