Should Christians invest in Bitcoin? What does it take to start a side-gig? And is choosing a college major the most important financial decision you will ever make?
These questions and more are answered in this week's 5 for Friday.
1. Ask the Economist: Should a Christian Invest in Bitcoin? By Greg Phelan. The rising price of Bitcoin, despite the reality that it gives back no dividends to the owner, is what investors call “a bubble”. Because bubbles tend to pop, investing in Bitcoin isn’t really investing, it’s gambling. And Bitcoin’s price is extremely volatile, to it is unlikely to last as a serious currency. Christians should invest elsewhere.
2. How to Start a Side Hustle While Keeping Your Full-Time Job by Kimberly Zhang. A “side-hustle” is a source of income outside of your full-time job. Consider these questions before starting a side-gig. Where do your interests and skills overlap? Do you have time for extra work? What logistics need to be set in place? What needs to be organized? And what soft skills do you need?
3. 28% of Degree Programs Leave Students “Financially Worse Off” by Kristen Bahler. Each year brings an increase in the cost of college. You should not invest so much into something without understanding what kind of return you will get from the time and money you pay. Research cited in this article concludes that choosing a college major may be “the most important financial decision” a person will ever make.
4. 20 Cheap but Healthy Foods to Buy When You’re Broke by Geoff Williams. Is your budget feeling tight these days? Or maybe you would like to put just a little more money toward paying off loans or building your emergency fund. Geoff Williams lists 20 cheap foods to help you save dollars at the grocery store, without leaning on unhealthy foods that will cost you more money down the line.
5. Resetting Your Career in Midlife by Jeff Haanen. Midlife, for men in particular, can be a season of disappointments and disorientation. The ambitious and optimistic twenties and thirties have come and gone. Acknowledging our limitations, striving for inner virtue, and embracing failure as a way to grow are perhaps three legs to lean on in a crisis of midlife.