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5 Ways Churchgoers Should Prepare for a Sermon on Money

Writer's picture: ArtArt

Money is a difficult topic to broach in church. Many pastors are fearful to speak on it and many churchgoers hate to hear about it. So, sometimes, both parties just decide to avoid it. But this is not best. God’s perspective on money needs to be taught and learned.

So, if you are a churchgoer who just noticed that the upcoming sermon is on money, here are 5 ways to prepare for it:

1. Plan to attend.

Don’t skip church just because you are uncomfortable with the topic. As long as you have a pastor who is providing a Biblical perspective on money, you should be there.

2. Realize the Bible talks about money a lot.

Specifically, Jesus dedicated a significant portion of His teachings to the topic of money. And for good reason. The way one manages their money is a reflection of their heart. Because Jesus emphasized the role of money in our lives, so should your pastor. Your real concern should be a pastor who avoids the topic of money.

Because Jesus emphasized the role of money in our lives, so should your pastor. Your real concern should be a pastor who avoids the topic of money.

3. Read and contemplate Matthew 25:14-30.

This is most commonly referred to as the Parable of the Talents. God has given each of us some resources to manage for the advancement of His Kingdom. This includes the management of our money Hopefully, reading and contemplating this passage will make you more eager to learn more about financial stewardship.

4. Pray.

Pray that God will use the upcoming sermon to speak to your heart. Pray that God will wipe away any cynicism toward your pastor and his teaching. Pray that God will show you ways in which you can better align with His design for your money.

5. Set you mind on listening with open ears and an open heart.

I don’t pretend to know how God will use the sermon in your life. But what I do know is that if you are determined not gain anything from it, you will probably be successful. Allow God to work in your life through the teaching and studying of the Bible. Whether it is about money or anything else in the Bible, listen to what God has to say. He knows you best. He designed you. And you need to know how His design was meant to work.


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