How much should I budget on groceries? How can I avoid the lifestyle inflation trap? And how can I get the most out of my life?
These questions and more are answered in this week's My 5 for Friday.
1. How Much Should I Budget on Groceries? By Geoff Williams. One obstacle to making a good budget is determining how much you will need for groceries. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has a budget tool to help you considering your particular family’s needs. Still, half the battle is sticking to the grocery budget you have created. Geoff Williams offers several tips to keep you on track.
2. The Lifestyle Inflation Trap – And How to Avoid It by The Budget Mom. Lifestyle inflation happens when an increase in household or personal income leads to an increase in spending. This inflation does not lead to increased savings, investments, or contribution to long-term financial goals. It is a trap to be avoided. Don’t believe the lie that it could not happen to you. Make an intentional plan, before you get that raise, to fight lifestyle inflation.
3. How to Get the Most Out of Your Life by Derwin L. Gray. Responsibility pulls us in all directions. How do we stay productive amidst the various things we are accountable for? It begins with knowing your purpose and calling in life. This will bring clarity to your priorities. Be focused, disciplined, and ready to say no. Also, surround yourself with those you want to influence you. Leverage all this toward your calling.
4. Fathers Matter: The Importance of A Father by Danny Huerta. Fathers are essential personnel in the home. Studies have shown the tragic, long-lasting affects of both absent or bad fathers, and the significant influence of good fathers. Fathers, we must choose to build positive momentum in our children’s lives spiritually, emotionally, mentally, relationally, and physically. Quality time, life-giving words, and positive actions are more than worth the long-lasting impact.
5. Don’t Confuse Influence and Obedience by Aimee Joseph. God gives influence. He gave it to Esther, and he gives it to his people to let their light shine for his glory. The subtle, yet devious danger of influence is to be more concerned with being known and well-thought-of than being obedient to God. Influence is temporary; obedience is our duty for life.